Cape Air Connections | More Places Made Easier
Getting to your favorite Cape Air destination just got easier! Visitors to can now book flights across our route map and enjoy fast, easy access to our top destinations.
Our new Cape Air Connections allows passengers to access our expanding network of destinations on a single reservation, with well-timed flights and convenient bag check-throughs. With a stop in one of our hub cities, destinations that once required multi-city reservations are now paired up and available as a single itinerary.
We've spread our wings with these new routes. Fly between these top destinations:
Cape Cod & the Islands
- Nantucket (through Boston) to/from Augusta, ME, Bar Harbor, ME, Rockland, ME, Portland, ME, Lebanon, NH, Rutland, VT, Saranac Lake, NY
- Martha's Vineyard (through Boston) to/from Augusta, ME, Bar Harbor, ME, Rockland, ME, Portland, ME, Lebanon, NH, Rutland, VT, Saranac Lake, NY
- Hyannis (through Boston) to/from Augusta, ME, Bar Harbor, ME, Rockland, ME, Portland, ME, Lebanon, NH, Rutland, VT, Saranac Lake, NY
- Provincetown (through Boston) to/from Augusta, ME, Bar Harbor, ME, Rockland, ME, Portland, ME, Lebanon, NH, Rutland, VT, Saranac Lake, NY
- Culebra (through San Juan) to/from Mayaguez, PR, Vieques, PR, St Thomas, USVI, St Croix, USVI, Tortola, BVI, Virgin Gorda, BVI, Nevis, WI
- Vieques (through San Juan) to/from Mayaguez, PR, Culebra, PR, St Thomas, USVI, St Croix, USVI, Tortola, BVI, Virgin Gorda, BVI, Nevis, WI
- Mayaguez (through San Juan) to/from Culebra, PR, Vieques, PR, St Thomas, USVI, St Croix, USVI, Tortola, BVI, Virgin Gorda, BVI, Nevis, WI
- St Thomas (through San Juan) to/from Mayaguez, PR, Vieques, PR, Culebra, PR, Tortola, BVI, Virgin Gorda, BVI, Nevis, WI
- St Croix (through San Juan) to/from Mayaguez, PR, Vieques, PR, Culebra, PR, Tortola, BVI, Virgin Gorda, BVI, Nevis, WI
- Tortola (through San Juan) to/from Mayaguez, PR, Vieques, PR, Culebra, PR, St Thomas, USVI, St Croix, USVI, Virgin Gorda, BVI, Nevis, WI
- Virgin Gorda (through San Juan) to/from Mayaguez, PR, Vieques, PR, Culebra, PR, St Thomas, USVI, St Croix, USVI, Tortola, BVI, Nevis, WI
- Nevis (through San Juan) to/from Mayaguez, PR, Vieques, PR, Culebra, PR, St Thomas, USVI, St Croix, USVI, Tortola, BVI, Virgin Gorda, BVI
- Nashville (through Owensboro, KY or Marion, IL) to/from St Louis
- Kirksville (through St Louis) to/from Marion, IL, Quincy, IL, Owensboro, KY
- Marion (through St Louis) to/from Kirksville, MO, Owensboro, KY, Quincy, IL
- Owensboro (through St Louis) to/from Kirksville, MO, Marion, IL, Quincy, IL
- Quincy (through St Louis) to/from Kirksville, MO, Marion, IL, Owensboro, KY
- Chicago/O'Hare (through Quincy, IL) to/from St Louis
- Glendive (through Billings) to/from Glasgow, Havre, Sidney, Wolf Point
- Glasgow (through Billings) to/from Glendive Havre, Sidney, Wolf Point
- Havre (through Billings) to/from Glasgow, Glendive, Sidney, Wolf Point
- Sidney (through Billings) to/from Glasgow, Havre, Glendive, Wolf Point
- Wolf Point (through Billings) to/from Glasgow, Havre, Sidney, Glendive